Il est courant pour les Irlandais d'appeler leur père 'Da' et non pas 'Daddy'. "Did the rum do, did the rum do Da, did the rum do Daddy ?" ressemble un peu à la façon dont on pourrait fredonner en 'lilting' un air de danse : "Diddly dum do, diddly dum doda, diddly dum dodadee"
Le texte à présent :
There was a man once and he had three daughters ... he was a widower ... and whether he was a forester, or whatever, he had to work all day long, and came back to his dinner in the evening, his three daughters would have his dinner prepared for him in the evening, or night time. And it was his fashion after dinner to go to the dresser and take the flute or the fife or tin whistle, whatever he had ... and play his three daughters some music. And his daughters would always look forward to the music at night, after their father had his dinner.
This particular night he came in, and he ate his dinner, and he said, "I'm sorry girls, there'll be no music tonight because there's a very heavy cold on me and I'm going straight to bed." "Ooooh," they said with
The father went to bed and the three girls studied on a plan. They went out and they bought a bottle of rum, and lemon, and cloves, and they brought it in, and they made him up a big, hot, bumper of rum punch, with plenty of rum, and lemon and cloves, and scalding hot water, and brought it up to his bed, saying, "Here, Daddy, drink that." And he drank it.
And the next morning, his cold was gone. And he came down to his breakfast, the first girl said, "Did the rum do ?" And the second girl said, "Did the rum do, Da ?" And the third girl said, "Did the rum do,
Daddy ?" "Yes, fine," he said, "and my cold is gone. Wouldn't that be the right idea for a tune now ?" he said.
Did the rum do Da, do Da, do Da, did the rum do Da, do Daddy ?
Did the rum do Da, do Da, do Da, did the rum do Da, do Daddy ?
And over to the dresser, and he took the fife or flute, and played it up for them then. Newly composed on the spot.
Pour finir un lien vers l'histoire de Don Nipiri Septo :
Tout le début de l'histoire est bien sûr une description des coutumes de l'Irlande rurale; mais à partir de l'arrivée de l'employeur, tout devient fiction !!!
L'enregistrement figure sur 'Forty Years of Irish Piping by Seamus Ennis (2000-04-04)', disponible en CD.
Youtube vous livrera des extraits d'émissions réalisées pour RTE ...
Musicien amateur autodidacte d'origine Limousine et habitant dans la région Centre. J'ai commencé à faire de la musique après la fin de ma carrière professionnelle il y a un peu plus de 5 ans. Mes instruments de prédilection sont les tin et low whistles ainsi qu'une cornemuse électronique.
Passionné par la musique traditionnelle et ceci sans restriction avec seulement le besoin de me sentir habité par l'émotion que me procure le morceau joué. Les temps troubles qui nous touchent tous depuis le début 2020 m'ont amenée à jouer et partager sur les réseaux sociaux des morceaux joués seul et adaptés à l'humeur du moment ... Thérapie salvatrice.
Nous allons faire un voyage dans les PUB ou les Estaminets à la rencontre de musiciens qui célèbrent leur intérêt commun pour la musique trads en la jouant ensemble, d'une façon décontractée et informelle.
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